WhatsApp Broadcast Overview
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WhatsApp Broadcasting allows you to send out a message to multiple customers at the same time. Whether you want to inform customers about a discount, promote a new product, or send out a service update. This way, you can keep your customers up-to-date via their favorite communication channel.
The regular WhatsApp Business App also allows you to broadcast a message to your customers. But there are a few distinct differences with how the broadcasting works on WhatsApp Business API accounts.
Messages can only be broadcasted to a maximum of 256 people in one go. When you have a larger number of customers, things are not convenient.
With the WhatsApp Broadcast function on WhatsApp Business accounts, everyone in your Broadcast List receives the exact, same, message. Thus, if you want to personalize your message a little by including their names, you canโt.
You canโt create media rich messages with images and buttons on WhatsApp Business App Broadcasts.
On the WhatsApp Business version, you cannot broadcast to people who haven't interacted with your previously.
Below are some WhatsApp broadcast message samples that you can copy and use for your business. Note that all brackets are variables that can be personalized by the sender. Since WhatsApp needs to approve these templates before you can use them, make sure to use those variables wisely.
Hello [name], itโs confirmed! Weโll see you on [date]. Thank you for booking with Hotel Mosaic. Youโll find details of your reservation enclosed in the following link: [link].
Hello [name]! We have just received your order #[order number]. Thanks for shopping at Mindyโs Market. You can follow the status of your order here: [link].
Your flight [flight number] to [city] will depart from [gate]. Enjoy your flight!
Hi [name], we noticed that you left your shopping cart full of cool stuff. Hereโs a list of things that you might want to consider adding to your cart before you complete your purchase: [a list of products].
Good news, [name]! Remember when you asked us about [product name]? We will finally have it in stock again by [date]. Itโs not on the website yet, because we wanted to give you a chance to buy it first. Let us know if youโre still interested!
Hello! Our [name of promotion] starts in less than [time]! All of our products will be sold at a [percentage] discount. Are you ready?
Hi [name]! Itโs been [number of months] months since you last changed your tires. Since winter is on the way, it might be the perfect time to switch to snow tires. Let me know if I can book an appointment for you, we still have availability this week.
WhatsApp Broadcasting falls under the Business Initiated conversation modality of WhatsApp. Meaning, the number of successful messages sent under a broadcast will each be counted as a Business Initiated conversation and your regional rate will apply. You of course get 1000 conversations free each month. Check the MyAlice Cost Estimator from here.